About Us
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (KJV)
Our Church
The New Life Christian Center Church was formed in 2010 with our first service held in September 2011. Since that time, we have been changing lives with the word of God, evangelizing to our communities, and teaching people how to have faith in God so they learn how to please God in their daily lives. We strive to show the compassion and love of Jesus Christ to those who are in need or hurting in any way.
We are a community-centered church serving the Pensacola, Florida area. As a Soul Winning Church, we are relentless in our pursuit of winning souls to Jesus Christ so that everyone will get the chance to know Him for who He is.
Our passion and mission are to win souls and teach people faith so that they learn to please God. Not only are we here for worship services, but we are also here to provide family outreach, education, and career resources to revitalize, strengthen, and EMPOWER the community. We especially give honor and seek to serve those who serve our country!

Our Mission
Equipping the Body of Christ to evangelize to the world
We are building a family of people who can serve God with fervor and diligence. We aim to create a community where love is shared and the Word of God is given importance. Through this, we believe that we can make our world a better place for everyone – most especially those who were hurt, discriminated against, grieving, lost, and brokenhearted.
Our Vision
Changing the lives of people with the Word of God
We envision a multicultural, multigenerational church where people from all ages, cultures, and classes can attend and feel comfortable in their worship experience. Whether you are just beginning your walk with God, or you’re a committed believer continuing your journey with Him, you will find a place here at the New Life Christian Center Church.

Our Philosophy
- Apostolic in government
- Prophetic in Vision
- Evangelistic in world outreach
- Pastoral in our watch
- Instructive in our teaching
Ephesians 4:11
What We Believe
We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Written Word of God.
We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent, and three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the church of God, which is in Christ and His return.
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing in prayer.
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for Him.
We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in this present world.
Our Core Values
We remain persistent in embodying:
So everyone within the community may emulate these traits and become the best versions of themselves possible.

Our Pastor
Pastor Darrak Scurles is the Senior Pastor and founder of The New Life Christian Center Church in Pensacola, Florida. He has a great Evangelistic Anointing and is on fire for God to get people saved and filled with the Holy Ghost so that they live their best lives every day. Pastor Scurles has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over 25 years with an Empowerment Mega Faith Ministry that has blessed many lives over the years.
He believes and teaches the principles of Faith in God, and that it actually pleases HIM because it brings His powerful, divine favor into your life according to Hebrews 11:6. Pastor Scurles shows you how to get there if you want more than what you have!
Pastor Scurles has served with his father in ministry and was the Assistant Pastor of the Greater Wayside Church in Aurora, Colorado for over 20 years before relocating to Pensacola, Florida, in answer to the strong call of God. Pastor Scurles is a proud Husband and Father of Three. His beautiful wife, Lady KeTurah Scurles, and their daughter, Naomi Grace, have come ready to support the Man of God and help the people of Pensacola attain their place of greatness in God.
Pastor Darrak Scurles has served as the Dean of Training and curriculum development for the International Sunday School Department worldwide for the Church of God in Christ Inc. For sixteen years now, Pastor Scurles has been a part of developing the best God-driven curriculum for Sunday Schools around the world to enrich, motivate, and grow churches through the development of training material that works for all ages within a church structure. Pastor Scurles has developed the Directors of Education for the facilitation of Men’s, Women, Special Needs and Disabilities, Leadership, Evangelism, Administration, Biblical Studies, Jail Ministry, Foundational Sunday School curriculum, The Teacher’s Certification Program, and Urban Initiative and Development Training – which includes but is not limited to Financial Literacy, Crime Prevention, Economic Development, and Family and Education – for meeting the needs of the family, community, and the church. This is all for the glory of God and the edification of the church.
Pastor Scurles, a native of Denver Colorado, is also a Military Veteran, having served in the United States Navy as an Aviation electronics technician for 8 years. He is a man of God that has a strong entrepreneurial gift, and he has run his own business since 1990. He is the President and CEO of Business Wealth Solutions LLC with over 5,200 active clients around the Country. Pastor Scurles has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management with an emphasis on Christian Leadership from Colorado Christian University. He also has a Master’s Degree in Financial Management and Counseling from the American College University and a Doctorate of the Ministry degree with an emphasis on Biblical Studies from Regent University. Pastor Scurles is professionally licensed with a Series 6 and 63 Securities designation: Life, Accident, and Health, and is also certified a Gold and Precious Metals Advisor. Pastor Scurles has been a blessing to many churches and Pastors around the Nation by sharing his Integrity and professional experience because he believes It’s all for the Glory of God.
In his spare time, Pastor Scurles loves to golf and fish, but most of all he is saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost with a mind to serve God and his people.
About Our First Lady
First Lady KeTurah M. Scurles, Co-Founder of New Life Christian Center Church, was born the first of two children to the late Pastor Andrew L. and Cynthia M. Singleton-Maxwell in Englewood, Colorado.
With a background in Anatomic Pathology, a 20 year career in Mortuary Science, and thorough education at The University of Colorado at Denver, Lady Kay has mastered many secular accomplishments in her field of study. She is a skilled musician of over 30 years, serving in the music department as Minister of Music, Praise and Worship Leader, and many other capacities over the years, and currently serves at New Life today. At the age of 26, Lady Kay accepted her pre-destined calling and was promoted to Evangelist Missionary in the Church of God In Christ, Colorado Jurisdiction, under the late Bishop F.E. Johnson and Supervisor Bertha A. Washington.
When God called Pastor and Lady Kay to Pensacola, God also called her to expand her career direction toward education. She was the principal and co-founder of The Alphabet Angels Academy; A preschool and childcare center, focused on educating children with the best and most solid Christian-based foundation available to children. She also served on the board of instructors/directors for Baptist Hospital Phlebotomy School in Pensacola, FL. As an Evangelist, Prayer Warrior, Wife, Mother of three, Educator, and with help from many volunteers and staff members, Lady Kay is committed to creating and cultivating an authentic church experience that glorifies God and exceeds all expectations. Her unwavering compassion for people along with her faithfulness to God will continue yielding great results in the Kingdom of God.