The spiritual healing and fulfillment you need may be with us.

As a church, we believe we have taken on such an important role to spread the Word and be the light for other people to follow and take heed. We aren’t only an establishment for spiritual healing; we are also a source of refuge for lost and hurting souls, and we want to empower them to be strong, faithful stewards of God and men. This is why we remain persistent in bringing people closer to God through our programs and services.

Alongside spiritual fulfillment, we also want to extend a hand to all our fellowmen in need. Through community outreach, counseling, and placement services for everyone, we help them live accomplishing lives. With God’s love, we lead them closer to their definition of success.

Our Programs

Spiritual Nurturing and Counseling

Serving Military Families

Spiritual Empowerment Through the Word of God

Serving Our Community

Couples Enrichment

Educational and Job Placement Services for Children 14 Through 21

Children’s Church Teaching Services